Practical Prepping Podcast

Episode #74, "Ten Essential Categories Of Items To Put In A Bug-Out-Bag Or A Get-Home-Bag."

July 09, 2021 Mark & Krista Lawley Episode 74

Practical Prepping Podcast Episode # 74

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In this episode we discuss: "Ten essential categories of items to put in a bug-out-bag or a get-home-bag."

Many new people have come into prepping after the year we've had, stocking up on food, water, toilet paper, and paper towels. Thats a good start.

(If you are just getting started, let me suggest you listen to episode #52 on getting started, and episode #1, where we tell our story and how we prep. Let me also encourage you to not get overwhelmed. You can't do it all at one time.)

Maybe you've decided you need to take it a step farther and build Bug-Out-Bag or Get-Home-Bag. We'll explain the difference between them.

Here are the ten essential catagories we cover:

  • Water
  • Food
  • Knives
  • Fire
  • Medical/First aid kit
  • Hygiene
  • Communications
  • Shelter
  • Navigation
  • Security

Drop us an email of find us on facebook and let us know what else you plan carry in your bag.

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