Practical Prepping Podcast

Episode #75, "Money Saving Ideas"

Mark & Krista Lawley Episode 75

Practical Prepping Podcast Episode #75

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In this episode we discuss: Money Saving Ideas

Dump cable or satellite TV

  • Use a smart TV like a Roku Tv and a streaming service.
  • Prices vary greatly, so do your research.
  • Antenna TV is an option as well, and is necessary for local events and weather coverage.

Eliminate that daily $5 cup of coffee
Saves money & tastes better

Buying in bulk
At wholesale clubs and by sharing with family

Shopping at Dollar Stores
Name brands are the same
Store brands have significantly lower prices

In the grocery store
Using coupons
BOGO deals
Divide larger quantities for later use.

Buy generic medications when possible
Especially pain relievers and stomach medications

Combine car trips
Save gas by doing multiple errands in one trip.

Do regular maintenance on vehicles
Vehicles will last longer, and you'll get better fuel mileage

Use cloths rather than paper towels
"Bar mops"  are bulk towels, usually a 12-14 inch square of white terry cloth save a lot of money compared to paper towels.

Eat at/from home
Eating out can get expensive
Meal preps for the week are very popular

Utilize Ebay, Craigs List, FB market Place and thrift stores
Here are some good sites: 

Do online price comparisonsl & shop locally
You can see prices, compare, and call for availability.

Online shopping

  • Compare prices, not all sites prices the same.
  • Compare exact models, features.
  • Read reviews.
  • Utilize free shipping.

Utilize free cancellations for travel or subscription-based services
Plans/needs can change-don't get stuck

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