Practical Prepping Podcast

Episode # 107, "We Discuss, And 'bust,' Six Myths About Prepping And Preppers"

Mark & Krista Lawley Episode 107

Practical Prepping Podcast Episode # 107, "We Discuss, And 'bust,' Six Myths About Prepping And Preppers"

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Prepping Is about more than storing food and water, stocking guns, ammo, tacticool gear, bunkers, and giant bug out vehicles, or living off the land.
Its about being prepared for life's "normal" emergencies.

In this episode, we "bust" six myths some people believe are true.

Myth # 1: All you need is food and water
Truth: Prepping Is about more than storing food and water

Myth # 2: All preppers buy into conspiracy theories
Truth: Most preppers are normal, very stable, regular people.

Myth # 3: You need lots of guns, ammo, and tacticool gear.
Truth: While many preppers are gun owners, many are not. Prepping is about more than stocking guns, ammo, and tactical gear, unless you believe zombies or aliens from space will be the issue

Myth # 4: To be a prepper, you have to have a bug out location in the boonies and be able to go off-grid
Truth: No, you really don't.

Myth # 5: You have to have a big, older model, bug-out vehicle
Truth: Prepping does not require a go-anywhere bug-out-vehicle

Truth # 6 You don't have to be crazy to be a prepper.
Truth: But it helps!

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