New Hampshire Journal

Sen. Jeb Bradley on State Budget -- 'A Once-in-A-Lifetime Opportunity' on Education, Spending

Michael Graham and Drew Cline

On this edition of the New Hampshire Journal podcast, state Sen. Jeb Bradley (R-Wolfeboro) talks about the state budget Republicans released on Friday, which he calls a 'once in a lifetime' opportunity to pass Education Freedom Accounts and real spending cuts. 

Drew Cline, president of the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy, offers his take on just how much the budget delivers for small-government, pro-economic-growth advocates.

And host Michael Graham of NHJournal goes on an epic "what the heck was that?!" rant over the Democrats' disastrous political strategy -- or lack thereof -- in the budget battle.

Plus --BEER!

It's all in this edition of the New Hampshire Journal podcast.