New Hampshire Journal

Trafalgar Group Pollster Robert Cahaly on Maggie Hassan, GOP Messaging and 2022

December 17, 2021 Michael Graham and Drew Cline

The Trafalgar Group is probably best known as one of the few polling firms that predicted the Trump surge in 2016. They also spotted the GOP's surprisingly strong performance in 2020. 

Now, Trafalgar's CEO Robert Cahaly is on the New Hampshire Journal podcast to talk about his new poll of Granite State voters, as well as the trends for 2022 he's seeing in polling across the U.S. 

And he answers one of the most frequently-asked questions among Republican activists: Are Biden's bad numbers tanking too soon? Does the GOP still have time to blow the midterms?

(Spoiler alert: The GOP can ALWAYS blow an election.)

Cahaly discusses all this and more with host Michael Graham of InsideSources and Drew Cline of the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy.