Fund Boards Council

[EXCERPT] Fund Board iNED appointments: Opportunities and challenges

Shiv Taneja & Catherine Battershill

This is a 15 minute excerpt of the Fund Boards Council podcast: Independence on European Fund Boards - Philip Warland in conversation with Denise Voss and Marc Saluzzi
 If you're a member of FBC, you can access the full podcast recording in your Member Portal.
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Greg Brisk (Greg Brisk, Head of Governance and fund board chair at BNY Mellon) speaks about the role, recruitment and onboarding process for iNEDs and future opportunities for those looking for their first or next role on a fund board.

Greg brings over 20 years of fund management governance and board experience, and converses with FBC’s Shiv Taneja. Greg will reflect on his experience of hiring board iNEDs in the UK (and elsewhere) to BNY Mellon’s various fund boards, helping them get established in their roles and supporting them in enhancing the value and transparency of investment governance. The discussion also explores how the role of the fund board iNED is evolving and the implications for those aspiring to sit on a fund board.

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Publish: Nov. 05, 2020 @ 8AM Edit


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