Want to Predict the Future? Talk to a Bio-IT Venture Capitalist. (ft. Alex Kolicich, 8VC)

April 03, 2019 Jeremy Goldman Season 1 Episode 32

Today we’re talking to Alex Kolicich, a founding partner at 8VC, which pegs itself as a different kind of VC firm. He focuses on IT and Bio-IT investments, and is known to be one of the more thoughtful, insightful VCs out there, which is why we wanted to make sure we got him on for you. 

We talk to Alex about how he started at Palantir, a mission driven company, how tech can be a driving force of change. We also discuss why healthcare is so incredibly resistant to change, how an investor needs to changes their way of thinking when the situation changes, and how poker helps you incorporate new data into your decision-making. It's a conversation you don't want to miss.