Is Technology Good for Humanity? (ft. Tech Humanist Kate O'Neill)

September 25, 2019 Jeremy Goldman Season 1 Episode 43

We know we're good at making technology. But are we good at making technology that pushes humanity in the right direction?

That's the question we posed to Kate O' Neill. She's the author and speaker with an audacious goal: helping humanity prepare for an increasingly tech-driven future by guiding business and civic leaders to be both successful and respectful with human-centric data and technology, and by helping people better understand the human impact of emerging technologies. We talk to Kate about innovation - namely, what it is, and what it isn't. We also discuss whether or not all this technology we're building is actually good for us and pushing us in the right direction or not, and exactly how scared we ought to be about the rise of automation. It's a fascinating conversation, and we think you're in for a treat.