Why We Always Get the Future Wrong (ft. Jason Feifer, editor-in-chief, Entrepreneur magazine) [ENCORE]

Jeremy Goldman Season 1 Episode 72

We recorded this show just half a year ago, and we're rerunning it now because it's interesting to run an episode called "Why We Always Get the Future Wrong" when everyone was wrong about what to expect mid-2020. Who could possibly predict the world we're living in now? Maybe Jason Feifer could have.

Jason Feifer is the editor in chief of Entrepreneur Magazine and the host of Pessimists Archive, a podcast on the history of why we resist new things, and often have an inability to see the future. 

Jason's a student of history, and why seem to always get everything wrong with respect to the future. He studies change, the thing that defines us and the thing that we fear the most. We all know that change is necessary, and yet, we fear it because we make it uncomfortable.

If you only listen to one episode of FUTUREPROOF. this month, this is probably the episode for you. And we'll be back next week with all-new episodes.