The Future of Healthcare Data (ft. Troy Bannister, Particle Health)

July 21, 2020 Jeremy Goldman Season 1 Episode 81

Let’s face it: a lot of us are talking about health these days - probably more than before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. One of the problems that’s been with us for awhile is how disjointed and inefficient the world of healthcare has been, and health data in particular. Particle Health was created to bring clarity to an overly convoluted system. They build a better way to connect networks, payors, and providers to vital patient health data, which is (hopefully) the kind of world we’ll be living in sooner rather than later. 

We caught up with Particle Health's CEO, Troy Bannister, to discuss why what the company is doing, why it’s so important in the marketplace, how to challenge the status quo, the “fun” of fundraising amidst a pandemic, the unanticipated consequences of of disrupting healthcare, and much more.

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