Does America Needs to Think Bigger? (ft. Vox's Matthew Yglesias)

September 15, 2020 Jeremy Goldman Season 1 Episode 93

Matthew Yglesias co-founded Vox.com with Ezra Klein and Melissa Bell in 2014. He's now a senior correspondent focused on politics and economic policy, and co-hosts "The Weeds" podcast twice a week. Yglesias is the author of three books, including his most recent, One Billion Americans, which is hitting stores as we speak, and makes a case for how Americans need to think bigger - not just in terms of population growth, but across the board. We discuss Yglesias's new book, the decline of the US on the world stage, and even that now-infamous Harper's letter.

Praise for One Billion Americans:
"One of those rare, sparkling books that sets out to argue a point that you are likely not to have a deeply settled opinion on, and then forces you to work through a whole series of interconnected views and assumptions you may not realize you had. Persuasive and fresh, even where it may fail to convince you, it succeeds in making you think. Really think."

—Chris Hayes, host of "All In" on MSNBC and the "Why is this Happening?" podcast and author of A Colony in a Nation

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