How Biotech and Genetic Engineering Will Change the World as We Know It (ft. Po Bronson and Arvind Gupta)

Jeremy Goldman Season 1 Episode 102

As you know, we geek out getting to speak to guests we can learn from, so it’s extra special when we can track down two people to learn from in the same week.

Po Bronson is a former finance and tech journalist covering Silicon Valley for Wired, The New York Times Magazine, and an op ed contributor for The Wall Street Journal who’s now the Managing Director of IndieBio, the world’s #1 biotechnology accelerator, founded by Arvind Gupta, who now co-leads global VC firm Mayfield’s engineering biology practice.

In their new book, Decoding the World: A Roadmap for the Questioner, Bronson and Gupta offer a vision of the future that uses cutting-edge biotech to explore the deepest mysteries of the 21st century. In the book, they use their first-hand experience funding technologies that solve the world's most complex problems—like how to counteract climate change, dwindling bee populations, cloning human organs, and much  more— often involving genetic engineering.

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