Ken's Nearest Neighbors

The First Data Science Philosopher? (Harpreet Sahota) - KNN Ep. 62

August 25, 2021 Ken Jee Season 1 Episode 62

 Harpreet Sahota is a friend, a father, a data scientist and a fellow content creator that hosts the artists of data science podcast. He also has built an incredible community around his twice a week data science office hours. 
Harpreet mentors over 2500+ aspiring and early-career data professionals because wants to see them level up in this field. He holds himself personally responsible for their career advancement by providing the best quality mentorship and technical guidance. 
Harpreet is also constantly learning and is not intimidated by the prospect of applying newly learned tools to big, messy, complex, real-world data problems. 
In this podcast Harpreet talks about the power of reading, how he faced himself and changed course when he started going down the wrong path, we also get deeply philosophical about purpose, work, and growth.