What Is Your Legacy?

Ep. 13: Leave a Purposeful Legacy with John Barrows

February 16, 2021 Galem Girmay Season 1 Episode 13

It's always a great time talking with John Barrows, and learning more about his thoughts around leaving a legacy, was fascinating.

John is the CEO of JB Sales Training and on a mission to elevate the sales profession and to leave a positive impact. He wrote the book with his daughter: I Want to Be In Sales When I Grow Up.

I am dedicating this episode to John's dad, who unexpectedly passed away a few weeks after we recorded this episode. He mentions his dad in this episode, and how alike they are in someways.

John talks about the importance of understanding your core values and being clear on it (suggestion to read: Think & Grow Rich).

Few other things I took away from this episode:

  • What he would do with 48 hrs left on this earth
  • Why it's important to leave a positive impact
  • How caring is free of charge, and why you should do more of it

Join us in this incredible conversation next!

I'm your host for the What Is Your Legacy podcast, Galem Girmay.

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