Tangent Calling

After The Revolution Part 1 - The Mathematics of Power

Tangent Calling

Local government is broken. But Clive Stevens knows how to fix it.

Stevens combines a lifetime of skills drawn from business, academia, local activism, parenting and politics to present a forensic, engaging analysis as to how and why political decisions are made.

After spending five years as a Bristol City Councillor, he lifts the lid off city and national democracy and discovers some golden nuggets and rotten apples to help guide voters, activists and policy makers.

After The Revolution is the result of this study and details Clive’s use of the term “The Mathematics Of Power” in precise detail to explain how politics works and democracy doesn’t.

It’s an amusing and yet sad, ground-breaking and meticulous study of how we can both rescue our democracy and increase the country’s wealth.

In this first instalment of a series of discussions with Clive, Sol and Richard talk to the author about his theory of the Maths of Power - what it means, how he developed it, how we can see it manifest today and how we may be able to escape it.

Get Clive's book, After The Revolution, for yourself here.