The NC NICA Podcast

Trails! Trails! Trails!

Michael Eastwood and Shawn Moore Season 1 Episode 3


Question of the podcast: Where is your dream place to ride?

News/Main Topic: 

Goal Setting w/o Racing and Keeping Performance Focused SA's Interested: Focusing on various aspects of destination rides may help create connections/interests for student-athletes. 

Program highlight: Teen Trail Corps (Barry Evans, NCICL TTC Coordinator, Coach Durham team, Trail Coordinator for TORC / Triangle Off-Road Cyclists)

Overview of Teen Trail Corps :
Badges that Student-Athletes can Earn: Speak, Serve, Ride, Respect ( Earn your TTC Captain designation by completing all 4)
How do Student-Athletes Record their Work for the Different Badges? You submit this form, your coach approves it, and you get credit towards your badge.
Team Reporting of TTC Hours: ENTIRELY SEPARATE from getting credit towards  badges, coaches are able to log into PitZone and add hours for any team event, or any club workdays. That helps us measure how much  impact we’re having on the local community.
Where can Coaches and Student-Athletes go if they have Questions or Want to Learn More? NICA National TTC page is chock full of info (and linked to from NCICL page). Barry is always a resource and can be reached at

TD Info/Spotlight: 

First Aid/CPR Extensions: Many first aid training providers are extending certifications, IF you are eligible for an extension please follow directions from the provider: 

EAPs Uploaded to League Map: We have added all submitted EAPs to the League  Map. Consider reaching out to local teams when using EAPs to explore new trails with your student-athletes to get greater insight and guidance while exploring NC. Please submit your Emergency Action Plan via THIS FORM so that they can be shared with other teams.

WFA Requirements: Please be mindful when planning destination rides that many ideal ride destinations (larger networks in state forests, trails in Western NC) require WFA to bring your student-athletes.

HC/Coach Info/Spotlight: 

Loaner Bike Update: We are working with Trek dealers across NC to fulfill our needs this season - this will hopefully make distribution/return of loaner bikes easier.  

NICA Sponsor/Coaches Discount Highlight: 

Timber! Bell (Chris Lacy - Founder) - Utilize the discount code NICA20 for savings on checkout!

Outro :  Coaches Call and Coaches Conversation Reminder: Follow up coaches call on Monday January 18th at 7:30pm. Next Coaches Conversation: Thursday January 21

We'd love to hear your questions, feedback & ideas for future episodes!