Direct Access to Oxford Physical Therapy

Clinical Corner Article May

Oxford Physical Therapy Season 2 Episode 21

This month's Clinical Corner Article covers the effectiveness of Blood Flow Restriction Training in treatment of shoulder pain.  Two young female athletes with very similar shoulder pain received BFRT in combination of other treatments and both saw meaningful improvement when they were discharged. Learn a little more about BFRT and the other ways it could be used in and outside of treatment and how Oxford PT is equipped to provide it to the right candidate in PT.

Read the article here:

Did you know that you don’t need a doctor’s prescription to receive physical therapy? The laws of Direct Access allow you to receive physical therapy without a referral and still use your insurance benefits! Learn more on how Direct Access can help YOU!

Our website:

Did you know that you don’t need a doctor’s prescription to receive physical therapy? The laws of Direct Access allow you to receive physical therapy without a referral and still use your insurance benefits! Learn more on how Direct Access can help YOU! Our website: