Direct Access to Oxford Physical Therapy

Clinical Corner Article July

Oxford Physical Therapy Season 2 Episode 30

For this month's clinical corner article- Matt shares a study done in 2020 that compared early PT intervention vs later intervention after injury and how it saves on cost for patients.  The article compares many retrospective cases for similar injuries that sought PT right away vs those who waited and the difference in recovery, imaging, surgery, medication, cost, etc. It definitely goes to show that Direct Access really works!
Read the article here:
Did you know that you don’t need a doctor’s prescription to receive physical therapy? The laws of Direct Access allow you to receive physical therapy without a referral and still use your insurance benefits! Learn more on how Direct Access can help YOU!

Our website:

Did you know that you don’t need a doctor’s prescription to receive physical therapy? The laws of Direct Access allow you to receive physical therapy without a referral and still use your insurance benefits! Learn more on how Direct Access can help YOU! Our website: