Relationship with Children - Alima Razia Batool Najafi
The Good Tree Podcast
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The Good Tree Podcast
Relationship with Children - Alima Razia Batool Najafi
Dec 28, 2020 Season 1 Episode 5
Alima Razia Batool Najafi

Join us today as we discuss Relationship with Children from a parents perspective. We explore Imam Ali (as)’s famous saying with regards to raising our children in the three stages of their life 0-7, 7-14, 14-21; how to respect our children and practical guidance on how to raise them with the love of Allah swt in their heart and mind. 

Alima Razia Batool Najafi is a renowned international scholar. She has an academic background, having studied at the Islamic Seminary in Qum for 25 years. She is an author, motivational speaker, Islamic lecturer and counsellor.

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