Stories and Strategies for Women

Mandee Hammerstein - Allow Yourself to Dream

March 31, 2021 Claudine Wolk Season 1 Episode 18

Mandee Hammerstein is a launching expert and a publicist.  I asked Mandee, "How can a woman gather the confidence to move forward in her life?"   Mandee shares her very personal story and words of wisdom.  And, oh yes, she is related to that Hammerstein!

Among Mandee's advice gained from experience:

**Allow yourself to dream
**You want people rooting for you and helping you
**Surround yourself with people who are a little bit better than you, but not too much
**You can't only be a taker, you must give too!
**How to work on your confidence

You can reach Mandee at her website:

Mandee mentions many books that she found pivotal in her confidence-building:

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Helped Mandee change and improve her relationship with money from the author's overall philosophy.  This book gave Mandee the insight and confidence to reach for what she always wanted to do with investing but was always intimidated until she read this book, leading her to many others and helped her really start the professional conversations needed to take action

Long Distance Real Estate Investing by David Greene

Taught Mandee that she could realistically invest in growing, less expensive markets, versus waiting years to save up to buy real estate investments in her expensive backyard (not a book :-)

Is a website tool that led Mandee to forums, live webinars, more reading, research, case studies and meetUps that further helped Mandee learn the fundamentals of getting your feet wet with Real Estate

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