Stories and Strategies for Women
Stories and Strategies for Women
Holiday Stress Buster: Try "Sit & Stare" by Spirit Fitness Guru Kate Eckman
Kate Eckman, author of the award-winning and best-selling book, The Full Spirit Workout is my guest.
I ask for Kate's advice to quell holiday stress. Take the great advice you need from all of Kate's wisdom:
- Sit & Stare - taking a break is doing more than you realize
- How to become 'practiced at listening'
- Employ the "what if?" technique
- Why NOT being the entertainment at a family function can make it more enjoyable for you.
- Cleansing the body cleanses the mind, too
You can find out more about Kate at her website: kateeckman.tv
You can buy her book, The Full Spirit Workout - a ten step system to shed your self-doubt, strengthen your spiritual core, and create a fun and fulfilling life.
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