Becoming The InfluentialMe

Adapt Or Die? How To Protect Your Career From The Looming Tech Revolution

Michelle Chikanda Season 1 Episode 10

In the past few months, I've had at least five female senior leaders ask me the question, 
"What do you think is the greatest threat to our long term success?".

The honest answer is I don't know, because I don't have a crystal ball...However,  success leaves clues and many trends from 2020 show that the best guarantee for the success of an individual and/or an organisation is... ADAPTABILITY. So I'm talking about it. 

In this weeks' blog and podcast, I'm sharing why adaptability matters and six ways you can be more adaptable in order to safeguard your career in the long term.

Let's connect:
Instagram: @theinfluentialme
Facebook: @theinfluentialme