Becoming The InfluentialMe

Pay Attention and Make Your Attention Pay

February 17, 2021 Michelle Chikanda Season 1 Episode 13

Paying attention pays...or does it?

I'm no accountant but I do believe in making sure your numbers add up. We often say 'pay attention' and yet most of us find ourselves giving it away for free.

Many people and organisations  (myself included), online and offline, are competing for you to PAY your attention to them. This 'payment' is what keeps all of them alive and in business and the more 'payments' they can get from you, the better.

Your attention is big business.

In this week's edition of Becoming The Influential Me Podcast, I'm discussing one guaranteed way to get an ROI on your attention.

Not sure what to read? Here's my guide - Top 10 Powerful Career Making Books Every Woman Must Read

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