The Painted Door Church - Chicago

The Work of Ministry/ Ephesians 4:4-16

Pastor Mark Bergin

A local church is a communal expression of a dynamic body. So then  just as a single person’s body is never static, a church likewise is always changing. Whether that change is toward greater maturity or greater folly hinges on how much the members of the church body are receiving the gifts of God. Christ ascended into the heavenly realm in order that he might be present in all things by his Spirit. He ascended in order that his gifts might be received by his all flesh. This is why the church is filled with all kinds of teachers and evangelists and prophets. Not so that a select few can take hold of the gifts of Christ, but so that those who have can equip all to take hold of these gifts. The church cannot mature into the fullness of Christ until all its members learn to receive and minister his gifts. We were all made to support each other. And every person has a vital and meaningful role to play.