The Painted Door Church - Chicago

To Know His Voice/ John 10:1-5

Pastor Mark Bergin

When life presents us with great moments of decision, we often then look for some guidance beyond our shores, some transcendent wisdom, even the voice of God. Trouble is, hearing God’s voice is unlike hearing any other counsel. His voice speaks only to ears of faith. When we have practiced so long and so hard to hear only with natural ears, to run every bit of counsel through the sieve of natural reason, our ability to hear in faith grows faint. The sound of God’s voice and the absurdity of God’s wisdom cannot simply be accepted on a whim. We must practice to hear. We must learn his register. Like sheep who develop fine attunement to the voice of their shepherd through much time in his presence, we too must attune ourselves. As we listen day by day, as we follow him in all things, we prepare to hear his counsel in our greatest moments of decision.