The Painted Door Church - Chicago

Made Together/ 1 John 1:5-10

August 25, 2019 The Painted Door Church - Pastor Mark Bergin

Becoming a whole person is not an individual project. Nor is it a team project. It is a relational project. We become whole in relationship, because perfect relationship is wholeness. And what is perfect relationship? It is knowing God and one another even as we are fully known. Often in Christian community, we share the best of ourselves. We let others see our light. This allows for some relationship. But we are then confused as to why our sense of loneliness and isolation remains. The reason is unwillingness to share the worst of ourselves, to let others see our darkness. So we go on half-known, half healed. It is good for the light in us to be affirmed. But it is even more important for the darkness in us to be crucified. And it has been crucified. Now if only we would begin the funeral proceedings.