The Painted Door Church - Chicago

Make Every Effort/ 2 Peter 1:5-15

Pastor Mark Bergin

To know Jesus is to experience his transforming power. He rescues us from our slavery to self-reliance and invites us into the mystery of life in God. In knowing him, we become fully alive, partakers of the divine nature. So then, what better endeavor to give our every effort to than walking out this new reality? The Apostle Peter invites us to make every effort to supplement our faith with virtue and knowledge and self-control and steadfastness and godliness and brotherly affection and love. He invites us to pursue the fullness of what Christ’s power has purchased for us. Anyone who does not pursue these qualities forfeits what is ours in Christ. But those who do step into the very purpose of our being: to be filled with the very will of God. We were made to live in this way. And when we do, all of our despair and half-heartedness is swallowed up in the lavish satisfaction of pure love.