The Painted Door Church - Chicago

The Pleasure of the Father / 2 Peter 1:16-21

Pastor Mark Bergin

God made us to participate in his life with him. But we chose to go searching for life on our own. We found none. Nevertheless, God didn’t leave us wandering in death. He sent his Son into that death to rescue us from it. Jesus lived a human life the way his Father always intended, in full communion with the divine. In so doing, Jesus brought the pleasure of his Father to the human race. The Father had always been pleased with the Son. Now, that pleasure fell on human shoulders. In his letter to all Christians, the Apostle Peter charges people of faith to make every effort to walk in the life Jesus gives us. Why? So that we would live in the pleasure of the Father. Peter saw firsthand how pleased the Father is with Jesus. And all God’s prophets share the same testimony as revealed to them by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the beloved one. To live anywhere outside of him is to spend your days forfeiting the most precious gift of all -- the pleasure of the Father.