The Painted Door Church - Chicago

The Great Deceptions/ 2 Peter 2:1-10a

Pastor Mark Bergin

The prophets of God who pointed to the coming of Christ were not speculating. They were inspired by the Spirit to see and speak the truth. By contrast, false prophets trade exclusively in speculation. They reject authority and so do not yield to the inspiration of Scripture, the Lordship of Christ,  nor the conviction of the Spirit. Their only authority is their own desires. The Apostle Peter warns the church that such false teachers will deceive many people. How? By appealing to unrestricted sensuality. Every human person has sensual desires that are good when pursued in submission to God’s wisdom. Yet subjecting our sensuality to God’s law is costly in the short term. We must give up some of our strongest passions. False teachers prey on this costliness. Reject authority, they tell us. Listen to the authority of your own mind, your own body, and you can have whatever you desire. These are the great deceptions of every age: to malign the authority God places in our lives and chase after our every whim. These deceptions are always a package deal. And their end is destruction.