The Painted Door Church - Chicago

Waterless Springs/ 2 Peter 2:10b-17

The Painted Door Church - Pastor Mark Bergin

The Apostle Peter writes the letter we know as 2 Peter to root Christians in their faith, to warn them against dangers that would lead them astray. False teachers loom large among those dangers. And so Peter seeks to expose their motivations and practices. He tells us they are waterless springs. That is, they teach in a way that appears to offer refreshment, but winds up leaving their hearers dry. They do not offer the living water that flows from the Spirit of Christ. They cannot offer it, because they have not received it. And they have not received it, because they have not received Him. The living water of Christ is for those who receive Jesus as he is and tremble before their king. False teachers do not tremble. With irreverence and cavalier arrogance, they entice thirsty souls to follow them into ruin. Adultery. Greed. Blasphemy. Yet God would steady our souls to ignore these empty wells. He would fill us with living water that we would have no thirst to quench.