The Painted Door Church - Chicago

Step Away from the Vomit/ 2 Peter 2:18-22

November 17, 2019 The Painted Door Church - Pastor Mark Bergin

When the body senses that some harmful element has entered it, an involuntary retching takes place. And the toxin is expelled. This physiological reality mirrors a spiritual one. When people learn of Christ and see something of his value, they begin to vomit out those toxic thoughts and behaviors that poisoned their souls. But the Apostle Peter warns that false teachers are those who return to their vomit and then lure others to join them there. False teachers are those who look back longingly at the ruin of life without Christ. And then turn back to revel in their vomit again. Peter warns Christians to be on guard for these kind of teachers. For they will entice with promises of freedom, when in truth all they offer is slavery. We must not presume that knowing about Christ, being in church, and reforming our behavior will keep us from danger. We must also be ever vigilant to consider whether we’ve left any vomit easily within reach.