The Painted Door Church - Chicago

Is the King Coming? / 2 Peter 3:1-7

Pastor Mark Bergin

The first century church was not so different from the church of our time. As it was then, so too now, the desire to hold onto sin is what compels people to scoff at the doctrines of God. First century scoffers denied that Jesus would come back to the earth, so that they could live according to whatever passions they desired. Similarly, in our day, we can easily neglect consideration of the second coming in order to hold onto our visions of the good life. We want to pursue our dreams, fill up our experiences, and make something of ourselves. But we forget Christ’s return at our own peril. He is coming back. And he is coming to burn up everything false. He is coming to expose our lies, to rid the world of our ruinous ways. We can enter this fire now through the gift of repentance, receiving God’s fiery rescue from folly. Or we can go on stacking lies like kindling for the fiery rescue to come. The only thing that will not burn is the life of Jesus. Thanks be to God that his life is ours to live.