The Painted Door Church - Chicago

Know Jesus, Know Peace/ 2 Peter 3:17-18

December 22, 2019 Stan Dyl

The Apostle Peter calls the readers of his second letter “beloved.”  This word, which occurs four times, is in New Testament Greek, agapetos. It denotes Divine Love, characteristic of the indwelling Christ and that is experienced in genuine Christian community.  It is out of this other-centered love that Peter warns his readers against the error of “lawless people”--error that can be overt or subtle. In order to avoid the faith disruption and instability that following error brings, Peter urges his flock, instead, to dwell and rest in the grace and knowledge of the one, true Antidote to error’s poison--the Lord Jesus Christ. Knowing Jesus brings his followers a durable, otherworldly stability which shall have no end.