The Painted Door Church - Chicago

The Victorious Christian Life/ 2 Corinthians 4:7-11

Stan Dyl

Epiphany is the day in the historic Christian Church Calendar when we celebrate the manifestation of God as man on earth. Jesus is God-in-the-flesh and so was the first real “jar of clay” containing the inestimable treasure of Divine Life. Paul’s cruciform lifestyle was patterned directly after his Master’s, and while unattractive and unrecognizable to unspiritual eyes, the Cruciform Glory of the Indwelling Christ shines brilliantly through the many cracks in the apostle’s “jar of clay.”  That same indwelling Christ will hold our cracked earthen vessels together, comfort us, and get us through, as we, like Paul, follow the Way of the Cross, through Death, into Resurrection and Eternal Life and Bliss with Jesus.