The Painted Door Church - Chicago

Good News for The Painted Door Church / Romans 12:1-21

Pastor Mark Bergin
Our country is divided. Rage and fear abound. And people line up across these divisions convinced of their righteous position. Are we convinced, too? Is The Painted Door Church convinced that we are among those who get it? That we are among the enlightened, the compassionate, the inclusive? God forbid that such delusion would fog our minds and hearts. A record of misdeeds towers in our wake. We have no moral high ground. In the wretched public theater of American race relations, we are complacent villains. Yet, this condemnation and folly has no power to define our future. We are not subject to its demands for atonement. Nor do we have any reason to spin our wheels in self-justification. We are guilty and forgiven, shameful and covered. Repentance is ours. We are free to be new.