The Painted Door Church - Chicago

The Psalter of Jesus: Levity and Knowing God // Psalm 148

Pastor Mark Bergin
Let us not take ourselves so seriously as to think we can grasp reality. All evil stems from the belief that we can understand all things, that we can put the pieces of the whole puzzle together, that we can arrive at clarity. In fact, clarity is always an illusion. It is the erroneous absence of need, the end of dependence, the death of God. If we have clarity, we no longer need God. We have built Babel. In such a state, we may give God credit, but only in the past tense, as if his contribution has run its course. We'll take it from here, thank you very much. After all, we have clarity. May it never be so among us. Rather, may we always know this: There are chasms of mystery beyond us, transcendent realities to which we have no comprehending access, but only the chance to wonder and worship. Laughter and praise are the fitting offerings of dependent, beloved children. And so we are.