The Painted Door Church - Chicago

The Psalter of Jesus: The Presence of the One // Psalm 139

Pastor Mark Bergin
When God made the world, he filled it with mirrors. And the largest of these mirrors is us, human people. The purpose of these mirrors is to reflect the beauty, goodness, and truth of God, so that the creation might enjoy and thrive in the love of its creator. But there's a problem. All the mirrors are marred now. Some are twisted. Others cracked. And many have shattered into a thousand tiny pieces. In this state, our experience and vision of God is distorted at best and more often wrong altogether. We have all sought to fix this problem. We've pursued healing, both for themselves and the rest of the world, seeking to restore our view of God and rediscover a pure vision of his love. And some have done great work. Some mirrors have moved back toward their true shape decidedly. Trouble is, even if some mirror somewhere could reach full restoration -- and none yet have -- what benefit is it to insert a few true mirrors into the circus funhouse of distortion that is our world? Once reflection becomes as bent as it is here, no amount of true reflection can unbend the light. Truth is, we need something more than better mirrors. We need the light source himself. Reflection will not do here. We must have flesh and blood.