The Painted Door Church - Chicago

The Psalter of Jesus: The Victorious Christian Life // Psalm 92

Pastor Mark Bergin
For Christians, victorious living is defined by the life of Jesus. His way is the way of victory. Yet, in looking at how Jesus spent his days, victory is not the first word that comes to mind. He was born in a stable to a mother slandered as unfaithful. As a toddler, he and his family fled their home country as refugees. He grew up poor, the son of a tradesman, in a region mocked for its lowly station. As an adult, he kept company with the dregs of society -- cheats, prostitutes, drunkards. The most noble leaders of his own people and creed condemned him. His own family considered him a fool. A dear companion sold him out for bag of silver. And his closest friends abandoned him to spare themselves. Jesus was crucified as a common thief. Meanwhile, the wicked sprout like grass and evildoers flourish. In what possible sort of world can this way of Christ be called victorious? Only one: the sort of world pregnant with resurrection.