The Painted Door Church - Chicago

From Manger to Cross/ Isaiah 9:2-7

Pastor Morgan Gagne

The Christ child that was born to us is God with us, clothed in infant’s weakness. The Creator and Savior of worlds, Jesus Christ Himself, held in the arms of Mary and Joseph. Christmas is the end of Advent, the end of our waiting for God to appear, and a time for celebration. But there is still plenty of waiting in this story of Christ, because it is not yet finished. The Christ-child has come, but there is a mission before Him that He has only just begun. The incarnation of Christ is the beginning of His humiliation, a life time of sorrow, where only wounds can heal. Where the sin of the world is met with the pain of Christ. Pain that opens the flesh of God to us, healing us from our sin. So there is a perfect and full human life needing to be lived by Him. There is a suffering and broken human life needing to be lived by Him. There is a healing and restoring human life needing to be lived by Him. And when Christ has lived all those lives, when He is perfect, He is broken on the Cross for all of us. His life in place of all our lives. This infant is headed that way. Come and let us adore Him.