The Painted Door Church - Chicago

Not Many Teachers/ James 3:1-12

January 13, 2019 Pastor Mark Bergin

Never in the history of humanity have more people had more opportunity to speak more words to more ears. Everyone can say anything to the whole world. Is it any wonder then that we find ourselves so routinely offended, so regularly outraged? Words have power. And when they are set loose to fly without regard to where they might land, they often crash and destroy. What then? Must we lay our hands over our mouths? No, there is no safety in silence either. Words must be spoken. But for the people of God, our words cannot be simply our own. They must be the words of God spoken through our particular personalities and vocabularies. And for the words of God to dwell in us, the heart and mind of God must fill us. We can only offer those divine words that we have received, digested, and lived on. That is why we gather around the table of Jesus. Not merely to nourish ourselves. But to become nourishment for the world.