The Painted Door Church - Chicago

What Do You Want?/ James 4:1-10

January 27, 2019 Pastor Mark Bergin

Very few people know what they want. Yet what we want is always leading us. We are slaves to our desires. So then looking at our lives, how we spend our time, our money, our energy, gives us a glimpse into those desires. And often, the picture is not a pretty one. We tend to spend our time, our money, and our energy on self-promotion, self-satisfaction, self-protection. Turns out, what most of us want is just to feel pleasure and avoid pain. But there is something deeper in us. We were not made for such shallow living as to obsess over our personal little kingdoms. We were made to be swept up into a story far grander, into desires far richer. We were made for the adventure of love -- with all its pains and hardships. So how then do we loosen our grip on our shallow wants and dive deep into the epic of love? Simply: We receive it. God’s story of love is always knocking on the door of our little castles. He is always pouring out his love, in every relationship, in every circumstance. Look there, in that broken friendship, in that thankless job, in that ride on the bus, the epic of love is calling you. Go, run, leap into the life of God, This is what you were made for.