The Painted Door Church - Chicago

This Story Is Not Yet Over / James 5:7-11

February 24, 2019 Pastor Mark Bergin

Refugees are left homeless. Religious minorities are persecuted. Women are assaulted. Men are lost. Children are abandoned. Marriages wither. Families implode. Too many are lonely, afraid, unseen, unloved. But this story is not yet over. Stories are lovely arcs of meaning when read from above. That’s why we obsess over them, why we read novels and binge television. Yet that loveliness is much harder to see from inside the story. And we are all inside this present story. We’re somewhere in the middle, still too far from the end to see the whole. That’s what makes our pain so painful. What is the purpose? Where is it all heading? Through his servant James, God tells us, “Be patient; endure.” And he gives us good reason: Harvest only comes at the end of the season.