In Tropical Lands: Conversations with Iain Sinclair about The Gold Machine

Episode 5 Lucho's Farm to the Mountain of Salt

Season 1 Episode 5

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Farne and Iain leave  Arthur at the convent making preparations for his journey and take a detour to Lucho’s farm. As they plan the next stage of their journey, Lucho tells them the story of how he came to acquire his land, and gives them some clues to how land is bargained for in Peru, and what ownership means to the Asheninka.

Arthur sets off again with 14 people and 20 mules, and Farne and Iain are also on their way to find the mysteriously named Mountain of Salt, when events take a curious turn with misunderstandings and hidden agendas. Lucho takes off and they are left lodging in a half- abandoned hotel, wondering where he has gone.

As they sit outside in  darkness, they contemplate how things are becoming stranger the lower they descend and they are joined by a few family ghosts.