Intertek's Assurance in Action Podcast Network

The LPG Market

March 17, 2022 Intertek Season 5 Episode 7

In this episode of Assurance in Action, we focus on oil and gas industry mainstay Intertek Caleb Brett as we discuss liquified petroleum gas (LPG). Intertek Caleb Brett supports clients involved with LPG production, distribution, and terminal storage sites and provides LPG analytical testing, trace analysis, loss control, and quality control are available during production, storage and cargo custody transfer. Listen as our Director of LPG Services, Brad Hicks talks about the global LPG market and associated Intertek Caleb Brett services.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome. You are listening to another episode of assurance and action. The podcast that covers key assurance topics brought to you by Intertech. My name is Jessica Danko, and today I'm joined by Brad Hicks, the global director of LPG at Caleb Brett. Hey Brad.

Speaker 2:

Hi, Jessica. How are you?

Speaker 1:

Good. Um, do you wanna tell us a little bit about Caleb Brett and what you do there?

Speaker 2:

Sure. Um, Intertech, Caleb Brett has inspected and tested cargos for over 130 years. These products can range from crude oil fuels, fertilizer, and so many other ones. Um, these cargo and inventory inspection services are provided across the world, including, um, all major part ports and, uh, in the refineries as well. So working with petroleum products and supporting our clients across the supply chain is our expertise. All right. How'd that go?

Speaker 1:

Sounded good.

Speaker 2:

Right. Okay.

Speaker 1:

Um, so for those who are unfamiliar, what is LPG

Speaker 2:

Well, LPG is, uh, listed as liquid petroleum gas. Um, it's a group of hydrocarbon based gas is derived from crude oil refining or just fractionation. Uh, for convenience of transportation. These gases are liquified through pressurization, propane and butane of course are the most well known LPGs, but there're many others that we work with under this product line. Uh, Han ethylene of course, are the lighter products that have the coldest temperatures. Uh, we also work with, with propane propylene Butin one bere dying isobutane or Butin, uh, the list keeps going on and on these products are typically delivered in liquid form using vessels, barges, rail cars, or trucks for transportation as the market expands. So does our capabilities, a couple products, bio methane and CG are just a couple examples of the market. Expanding as more clients are finding out ways to compete in this market.

Speaker 1:

Um, so with the market expanding, do you see this trend continuing?

Speaker 2:

I do. Um, Intertech started our LPG department out of Houston back in 1999. Uh, when I joined the group in 2004, believe it or not, the us was an importer of PGS. Now the us is the largest exporter of LPGs. Of course, the Houston area dominated the, the movement of PGS and companies really started taking notice of this, I would say over the last, last, uh, 10 years or so, we have seen companies invest billions of dollars in LPG, expansions, and infrastructures to compete in this market, uh, because of the massive investment from many companies. We now have LPG lowing terminals along the west Gulf coast, rather than just the Houston area. And of course it's just not the Gulf coast, uh, the Northeast Northwest, um, everybody contributes in making the us the largest exporter of LPG.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So, you know, that explains a lot of LPGs for the us, but what about globally?

Speaker 2:

Right. So, uh, more and more countries are switching to LPG as a fuel source. Um, everyone is now looking for a cleaner, um, more environmentally friendly fuel source. And, uh, that's where LPG comes in. China has been a huge importer of LPG for many, many new years. Uh, they use this LPG as a fuel, uh, commercially and also for residential use. Japan and India have also made the switch to cleaner fuel and, uh, more and more countries are following suit. We are starting to see major investments from companies globally to help streamline LPG to other areas within their country. It is clear that the LPG market will continue to grow on a global basis from, uh, the investments being made.

Speaker 1:

Hmm. So with the investments being made in the market, increasing is Intertech prepared for this increase.

Speaker 2:

We are, we are, uh, Intertech, you know, we are a global company, uh, we, uh, thousand laboratories in over a hundred different countries, of course not all of these areas, uh, move LPG. So we have strategically place our LPG capabilities in areas where we see movements and growth. Um, as our clients need expand to different areas, uh, we have to expand our capabil and, um, oh, I lost it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Redo that one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Okay.

Speaker 2:

Hold on one second. LPG, expand to better serve our clients to better serve our clients. All right. All right. Let's redo that one.

Speaker 1:

All right. You want me to ask the question again?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, go ahead.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So with the investments being made in the market, increasing is Intertech prepared for this increase.

Speaker 2:

We are, um, you know, Intertech is a global company, uh, with a thousand laboratories in over a hundred different countries. Of course not all of these countries move LPG. So we have, uh, strategically placed our LPG capabilities and areas where we see movements and growth as our clients' needs, expand to different areas. Intertech is committed to LPG. So our capabilities continually expand to better serve our clients. Uh, one of the newest LPG expansions comes from our office in Nigeria, you know, Intertech saw the market expand and we made the investment to provide comprehensive LPG analysis to our clients in this area. So whether it's a new laboratory or possibly a 17 0 25 accreditation or a new buyer coming on the market that needs specialty LPG testing, we're committed, uh, to LPG on a global basis.

Speaker 1:

Hmm. Um, so these LPG services, I mean, are they pretty, you know, universal or, or does Intertech offer anything special or, you know, what, you know, what would our clients want from you guys?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, for the most part, it's, uh, pretty straightforward. You know, most of the LPG movements, um, usually happens on vessels or barges. Uh, but we do offer a few extras that our clients, my might find interesting. Uh, we offer stining services out of Asia on propane cargos. So stining is a service where we add more captains to propane to give the product an odor. So most of the propane moved is not stench and as odorless, therefore it can be used or residential use. And the purpose for that is if, you know, if there's a leak, um, in your connection, when you're using the propane, you can't smell it worse, bad things could happen. So our, uh, stint use services prepare a propane cargo for residential use and is mostly being carried out in Asia. Uh, we all also have our government trade services entity, so they provide documents needed to move products into different countries, say you're selling, uh, L P D to places like, uh, Uganda or Kenya. You know, these governments will not accept your vessel until the proper documents are provided. We work closely. Caleb Bryant works closely with, uh, this entity to provide everything that is needed after loading to ensure a hassle free transition for your deliverying port. So another service that, um, I find interesting is our LPG capabilities out of the Sue canal. Uh, some of the cargo that are purchased, uh, do not have a firm destination after loading and are officially sold while in the water. Uh, some buyers will request vessel analysis or specialty tests, uh, in order for you to bring that vessel in to discharge. So when this happens, the vessel will typically arrive at discharge and have to wait on analysis, uh, before they can actually start discharging. Of course, this, uh, of course this brings, uh, of, okay, hold on, let me get in

Speaker 1:

That's okay.

Speaker 2:

This of course costs money on the docking time, as well as waiting on the analysis. Um, our car leagues out of Egypt have the capabilities to sample and test the vessel while in the sews canal and, uh, provide analysis before you arrive at your discharge board, uh, this whole operation by not having to wait on analysis, uh, tie up the dock. It of course saves time and, uh, maximizes our client's profits for their sale. Of course, you know, we have many others, but this is just a few of, uh, the many LPD services Intertech can offer.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much. Uh, is there anything else that we missed or anything additional that you wanted to discuss about LPG or Caleb, Brett?

Speaker 2:

Uh, just just know that our global team at Caleb Brett uses, uh, our years of expertise to provide, provide and apply our cargo inspection and analytical assessment to the world with solutions based on years of expertise and of, and, uh, advanced analytical capability. We're working hard to help customers optimize return on cargos and help them resolve difficult technical challenges with a, uh, global network of laboratories. We truly are the experts in our field. We are fortunate to have the knowledge and skills needed to support the global LPG market. And we are always looking for ways to ensure we stay on top of the LPG market.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much, Brad, for your time today.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. Thank you for having me.

Speaker 1:

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