INFJ Journey

Things You Don't Know About Me # 19 S1

Ariane Kveld Jaks

"Someone once asked me: why do you always insist on taking the hard road?
I replied: why do you assume I see two roads?"  | Anonymous

I'm back folks! After a long leave of absence due to a personal catastrophe. So, this special podcast episode will serve two purposes: to tell you why I was away and to share with you things you don't know about me, yet.

I'm still very much confused and unwell, but I wanted to record this podcast episode anyway, and be with you again, at last!

1/ The INFJ's path, neither good nor bad, just a very special path

2/ Don't adjust, thrive instead

3/ What it means to be an INFJ, the ordeal and the blooming times

4/ The day my life went wrong and almost killed me

5/ Sharing for INFJs is an acquired taste worth the effort

6/ Experience over theories and ideas, all the time!

7/ The INFJ's EDGE: being aware, assessing things, and making it a process asap

8/ From MOOD COLLECTOR to ART WRITER, no INFJ's path is a straight alleyway

9/ Going through hell and surviving it: the INFJ's way!

10/ Thank you for your support and your patience, my precious INFJ family

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"Stop Being An INFJ Well-Kept Secret", by Ariane Kveld Jaks: