Jillian Greyse - The Spirit that Is YOU - AstroloLIFE

Astrolo Monthly Energy Report -January 2021

Jillian Greyse

Hello Everyone! This podcast contains excerpts from our Monthly Astrolo Energy Report Class. Join us for free when you become a part of the Astrolo community link below - 

From the New Moon in Aquarius
The Full Moon in Virgo
And the 7 planet alignment in Aquarius February is the beginning of a new time. Listen for details on how you can be a part of the change!

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Speaker 1:

Hello, everybody. Hello everybody. And

Speaker 2:

Welcome to what is January's spirit class,

Speaker 1:

But we are going to be doing a lot of chatting about all that's going on in February. You guys know that we have, um, some really interesting things going on in February, but before I went and get into that, I want to say, thank you guys so much for your response about the new format, about doing the videos that are prerecorded, so you can watch them anytime you like, and then setting up some live Q and A's during the month for us to kind of connect on topics that occurred on the videos that you have questions on. I think that's going to be super helpful for all of us. So starting in February, we are going to have like a live Q and a session where I'll send out the zoom link to you guys, and you can jump on if you need to, or if you have some questions and we'll sort of connect that way. So I think it's kind of the best of both worlds. So super excited that you guys answered me. Thank you so much. And I am just really excited to jump into this month. Um, another cool thing about the classes is if you guys have someone that you want to share these classes with, please definitely share them with people who you think are a need to kind of invite them into our community. That would be fantastic. Um, people that you think that could really, really, really be a strong piece to connecting with all of us and we can help them, or they can help us. And we can just sort of all come together right now. We have about 50 people that are watching these on a regular basis that are in the Patrion. So if there is some way, cause a lot of you are reaching out to me asking, okay, you know, so-and-so, I know could really help out, but doesn't really understand these things. You know, how do I introduce them to them? Just let them take a quick peek at one of the monthly videos and see if you know, that's something that kind of speaks to them and then we can go from there. So just wanted to cover that because it was a huge thing for a lot of you. I think we max out, um, on a live Q and a at around a hundred, but I can always figure out a different platform that we need. If there is more and more people, which there will be that are kind of joining as things continue to move along. That being said, I want to cover really fast for all of you, January 30th, you guys know we're going into a mercury retrograde. We already talked about that in the December class, but I want to remind you guys, electronics might be a little bit crazy. You might be a little bit wonky. Communication is off when it comes to anything that might go on with that mercury period. So keep a close eye on that. Don't go crazy. Don't go try to have a conversation with somebody that's really deepen. You know, you need to connect with them. It's probably not going to go that way. Don't beat up your computer. Don't put your cell phone against the wall. Don't do any of those things cause it's not gonna help anybody and it's gonna cost you a lot of money. So it take a peak at the January class or at the December class to get more details if you need them on that mercury in retrograde period. But I am going to jump right into what seems like if you were to take a snapshot a quiet month because we don't have any meteor showers hitting. We don't have any eclipses going on. We don't have any of that stuff going on. We just have the full moon and the new moon and a really, really pivotal event that I saved for the last to discuss about. So those are our main topics. However, this new moon in his full moon are so incredibly powerful that think everything out there in the universe, that they are what we have to deal with and allow to settle in. And you guys are going to understand why as we move through the understanding that is written in the language of the stars for us to grasp onto and understand as this month is going to flow along. So the first thing that I'm going to chat about is going to be the 11th of February. And I'm going to screen share with you guys the 11th of February and kind of what's going on. So we've got the new moon rolling in and it's going to be an Aquarius. And I want to give you guys, uh, kind of, uh, uh, reef explanation of Aquarius and the mythology behind it and the energy behind it. And the reason why we do that is so you can not so much hang your hat on the words that are being spoken, but the energy of the lesson that is written in our celestial energy, that will be coming in really strongly for each one of us. The Aquarian energy is going to be very powerful throughout the entire month. A lot question has been going on for you guys up share about the age of Aquarius and when the age of queers really did start. And, um, there's so many different ideals about when it started and about what it is when the first kickoff of that began. Some people say it was 2012. Some people say it was 2020. There really is no finite way of understanding that. However, intuitively the age of Aquarius, a lot of energies coming through is beginning in 2021. And people's interpretation of it beginning in 2012 really was just because the numbers were flipped and I'm going to, at the end of this class, I'm going to show you guys why that age of Aquarian energy is really hitting now. And we just left that Pisces period 2020, when it came to a close all of the events that took place, everything that happened was all shifting in, setting us up to what we right now know, as that new age coming in. Now we've got to cover what Aquarius means. That's going to really, really drive home. Just the understanding for you guys to see how intense and how deep this is and just how crazy it is that this is Britain to us. We literally have a map of what's going to go on every single month and a map what's going on. It's just a matter of paying attention to it. So it's cool that we're getting the opportunity to understand that. So I'm popping into screen share real quick screen share again, real quick. See, I'm getting excited. So like my words are blending together like crazy, but you guys know that happens to me a lot. So February 11th, number one, we have a neurology 11 day 11 it's about unity coming together, high spiritual energy, which means that we're naturally going to have a higher vibration hitting through the earth on that 11. The incredible part is also if you add up the two plus the one, plus the one, plus the two plus the two plus the one you're going to come to a number nine. So the full date comes to number nine, which is another high spiritual lumber, which again is about humanitarianism, which is about a high powered frequency coming into the earth. So this day is going to be extraordinarily powerful. This building time period of that new moon energy is going to be extraordinarily powerful. So Aquarius is going to be what this moon sign is under. And it's also going to be a huge vibration throughout the entire month Aquarius, if you can, um, remember and who could forget the movie, Troy? I mean, hold on. Let's take some time.

Speaker 2:

Come on,

Speaker 1:

Get Brad Pitt in the movie, Troy. Oh God, we need a moment of silence for that one. Hold on. I said it's like a water. Oh man. I believe there was a scene where his loincloth in the back was not fully intact.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So try himself in the energy of the Greek mythology was actually represented by Aquarius this symbol in the sky. So what Aquarius was, and you know, when I go back to the notes, there's all the fancy names and all those things for you guys to sort of just, just click in your head a little bit, but I want to give you a synopsis of really what that means and what the energy of Aquarius and what the celestial energy really stands for for each one of us. So Aquarius represented this brand new way of thinking or this absolutely beautiful, powerful, incredible, just, just being in an energy that just was new to the earth. And Zeus being the God of earth was totally infatuated with it. Actually it was Ganga meetings, but, um, I'm going to call it Aquarius, but the name and mythology for Aquarius in this story was Ganga meetings. So Ganga meetings, AKA Aquarius was totally, totally swooned Zeus the earth, the energy of earth, the God of earth. And he wanted Aquarius as his own to represent the energy of the gods. The way that the energy of Aquarius thought was so different. Everything about how it flowed was so different, it was just absolutely beautiful. So, uh, Zeus actually kidnapped, um, Ganga meetings or Aquarius and took him up into the high skies to be the water bearer for all of the gods and water in the understanding is really the flow of energy, the flow of ideas, being able to the flow of emotions, all of those things. And I'm going to tell you why that's pivotal. So Aquarius was up in the sky and was serving all the gods with water. He was so water bearer and he was kept, his knowledge was kept. His energy was kept his understanding his change was tapped his inner difference that was infatuated to the gods or that the gods were obsessed with. So to speak was being held in, kept, but from all of mankind and Zeus had thought that the energy of Ganga media was just too powerful, too much knowledge, too much beauty for the earthlings to be able to handle what eventually happened was Aquarius or academies broke free and ran away and came down to the earth and started to open up the earth and just send water out into the earth and water to all of the mankind or the commoners that were thought to not be able to accept it or thought to not be able to have it. And symbolically what that really was representing was the new age of energy or the new way of thinking or what we truly are in the power that we truly have inside of us was being kept because the gods thought that we didn't have the ability to understand how to use it properly. So until we were ready, it didn't come down for all of us to be able to access. And that's what we're seeing right now. We're seeing a resurgence of our understanding and our God like given divinity and powers and abilities reawakening. That's why we're seeing the pushback against all that. Once was in control quote unquote, or to protect or to stop that from coming to light, that energy is opening up and flowing through all of us in the most incredible part of water representing our emotions is that's the element that's awakening to us. Being able to honor our feelings in follow them because our emotions are a guide to what we should be focusing on in our life. You know, when you have a thought and we've talked about this in previous classes, if you want to figure out if you are on the path of least resistance in your current life, close your eyes and think, okay, should I do this? Or should I do that? Whichever thought makes you feel lighter, which makes you feel happy, which makes you feel peaceful. That is your soul or your divine energy. Sending a little breadcrumb to you to say, go down this path. This is the path of least resistance. Yes, you have free will to take the other path. If you do that path is going to be, um, filled with lessons that's for you, which we call karma, which isn't bad because they help our soul to grow. And they allow us to experience the contrast of good and bad or evil. And you know, all these different pieces that we label. So our free will, can pull us into those paths. And that is good, but we are awakening to begin to honor and understand the power of our emotions. The other core piece of this I'm shifting in my seat here, breathe for me guys. Okay. Cause I know I'm tossing so much because I nerd out on this stuff. So I know I'm tossing out so much at all of you, but I know that all of you have a soul that is so deep that even if the words seem like they're coming at you in just this way, you're feeling this and I want you to pay attention because that's, what's opening that feeling of showing that you're on to something. So the other core piece is that Aquarian energy, that water bearer in water, what we know the emotions that flow also represents the awakening of the divine feminine because the feminine energy is about the feeling it's about being able to honor what's going on emotionally and allow that to surface. So for so long, we've been under a masculine primary energy focus, which has been okay, suck it up. If you're upset, that's your issue. Move on. You don't have motions. You don't file your motions. You go survival. You go power. If you go competition, all of those things were what the world wants was based upon because that was the lessons. And the contrast we asked for, we are now opening up to a different paradigm of understanding another piece of ourselves. And that's what the Aquarian energy is bringing in the power to be able to use the frequency or form of our emotions, as well as the frequency of our mind, to be able to bring down and manifest what we have been asking for, which is a world that doesn't suffer, which is being able to heal ourselves, which is being able to learn lot lessons that we need to, and then move past, which is being able to forgive, being able to have peace fullness within ourselves. So I'm with no moon period. This is going to be very pivotal as we get to the end of this class. So I'm sort of like drum roll, please. We'll talk about that in a minute. So in this normal period is going to be the opening and I'm going to screen share this for you. So I just kind of like, I write these paragraphs that I am like, I'm going to put this up on the screen and we're going to help a formal class, but then I always end up pulling you guys off because I want you to see and feel more than I want you to read and pull into your analytical mind. So now we're going to take an analytical tour and we're going to pull up that screen share and loving the screen share still shocked, by the way, you see the still shot of me, like what is going on, zoom. That is just, that is crazy. What is still shut? They pulled anyhow. Okay. So February 11th, new moon Aquarius is represented courtroom. Oh, goodness gracious. Again. That movie, um, Zeus was infatuated with Ganga meaty, which is Aquarius kidnapped him, made him be the Waterbury to the gods. Eventually Ganga meeting realized that the world needed water and not just the gods needed water. So he broke free and he rained down water onto the earth. He eventually overtook Zeus and became the new God. So that way you've thinking in that way of being and that way of opening up eventually overtook Seuss, which was the powerful masculine energy that was currently the ruler of the world at the time, spreading water and flow. The age of Aquarius, this myth is about all gods withholding, the elements of knowledge for mortal man. And then Aquarius came to bring it down. The water bearer was getting a meaty and Zeus was infatuated by Zeus. And he grabbed up this energy. So Zeus was infatuated with that energy and he pulled it wanted to keep it for himself. Aquarius is the symbolic energy of a new beginning. The God given right for all of us as pieces in parts of God to have access to our true nature, empower in a whole new paradigm of energy, which is the energy of emotion, which emotion moves faster than the speed of light. So it's a vibration, that's a much higher frequency than what we've allowed this earth to experience. As of yet, the old energy could no longer keep this a secret anymore. So therefore it burst out. So who you want to be inside of you is going to begin to come out and it will be unbearable. Here is the pieces here and I'm pointing off screen share. Okay. So here are the pieces that are important during this time period. You're going to find that who you want to be is going to, it's going to come to you. Like everything that you've known that you've wanted to be and do is going to start to become unbearable for you to not do those things. You're gonna start to be so frustrated that you just can't handle it anymore, but there's going to be a fear side of blocking you and giving you a thousand reasons why, you know, you can't do this or you can't do that, or you can't, you know, decide you're going to draw a boundary here. You can't get into this new world. That's the old masculine way of thinking and the energy of the new moon being in the Aquarian energy rules, the first shock rock, which is about survival and fear in power in control in all of those little pieces. So that is why this month's breathing technique on the Australia yoga program is centers around that first shock or focus. So really quick as a break. So we can kind of, you know, loosen up a bit here. We're going to just run through that breathing techniques. You guys know exactly what we're talking about. So I want you to take a moment to just relax and close your eyes and breathe and just let yourself sorta settle down. Let your mind sort of just relax and be so anything coming up in it. That's okay. If you can create that stillness, just try to create some calmness in your being in your body.

Speaker 2:

And then

Speaker 1:

I want you to draw your attention down to that first shock ground, which all of you know is right where your sip phones would be the floor or your chair. Just pull all of your, all of your feeling down to there, drop all of your attention there. And I want you to pay attention to what you feel.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Allow that to build, focus in and just pull that down. And if your mind wanders, just pull it back down into that first center. You may even take a breath and just send the breath energy into that first center and feel right there in your body. And then whenever you're ready, you can open your eyes. If you need more time to focus on that, then just pause the video. What I want you to understand as the profoundness of just placing your attention on one of those energy centers and one of those shock rise there, mini brains in your body. So when you focus your attention on them, you're calling your energy to them. Cause where do you place your attention is where you place creation. So even if you were to take a moment to go back to the concepts of quantum physics and looking at Adams, when you tell the Adam place your attention on the Adam, it appears to go into the order of where you are focusing. So we're to focus our attention on our atoms quote unquote, which are collected in our energy field, which are part of every piece of us. And we're going to place our attention into those first centers during this time period from the first to the 15th of the month, because that's going to call back all that scattered energy. So all of those things, when the first goes out of balance, that fear that you know, obsession about money and am I going to be okay? And that obsession about just survival instincts is in that first chakra when it comes up it's because that first chakra has left the frequency of your body and is now spreading out. So if you could actually measure, you could measure the field around your body expanding, and that first shock was leaking out. So we're going to do during that time period of the new moon, you're drawn to it and you have anything that comes up and emotions that comes up come up is you're going to go and recognize that first chakra, because when you place your attention on it and draw your energy back to it, you drop all of that leaking out in place it right there. Now, when you do this a lot and you know me, I kind of have no, I have no filter. I probably should have a filter, but I don't have much filter when you do this a lot, you actually might start to feel turned on. You actually might start to feel like that shock or center awakening. You might actually start to feel like, you know, kind of good. That is really awesome. And it's good. And go with that because the other center of creation, the other energy of creation is all based around that feeling that begins to awaken you place your attention in certain spots. So we're starting at the first because at the first is this month major hitter. So take a peak at the video, if you need more explanations for the Australia series. But I wanted to just do a quick one run through with you guys. So you're gonna know how important that is because the inquiry of energy is huge and it's going to be huge. It's going to be an undercurrent and it's going to be really big, um, throughout the entire month. And we'll talk about that at the very end of the class. So take a moment, take a breather, pause me, go grab some water and then we'll continue on to the second. Do do, do, do, do, do, do, do okay. Like it could get any more intense, it gets more intense. So the second half of the month is going to be the full moon center part. So on the 27th of February, which is two plus seven, a nine day, come on, could they be any more obvious? It's like, I often feel like if the energy around us gave us any more hands, it would blow its cover. And we would just end up tearing the whole place apart. We wouldn't care anymore. We'd be like, Oh my God, it's a joke the whole time, but I didn't. So nine day that's the full moon energy and the full moon for this month. I'm going to pop you guys on new quick screen share. So you can take quick peek and I'll pull you off. The full moon for this month is going to be in Fargo. Virgo has a super similar story to Aquarius, as strange as that sounds, but we're Aquarius was a male who was kidnapped in that male energy. I'm a Virgo is actually the female energy that was kidnapped. And so this is going to speak a lot to the energy that's coming back to us. It was once taken from us and how we create a balance between those lines. So 27th, full moon Virgo, super similar. So per Stephanie, which was a Virgo represented as the daughter of earth. So the daughter of mother earth was percept. Annie. Um, Hades was the God of the underworld of fell in love with her beauty, kidnapped her and took her into the underworld Datameer who was mother earth or the word energy of mother earth was devastated and searched for her and began neglecting the earth to search for what she had lost. Now, one thing about her, Stephanie is per Stephanie was, um, absolutely stunning and absolutely beautiful and putting up screenshare. She was stunning. She was beautiful. She was like another one of those, um, like beings that was just described as the Aquarian energy, totally missed a call. Just nothing seemed like this before and the moment the God of the underworld or the darkness. And so we'd call saw that light. It wanted that light. So it came in and it took it and the earth, which was Datameer mother earth. It gave life to all humans and was so devastated at that beauty being taken. And that beauty being just, you know, missing that she began to neglect the earth. She was like, trees don't make anything to feed these humans. I, we had got the time my daughter she's gone, we've got to search for this. So she pushed and pushed and pushed to find your daughter neglected the earth for nine straight days in finally Zeus who knew what happened was like, Oh, darn, I'm going to have to tell her something's up here. So he kind of gave her like a little piece and was like, you're, she'll be fine. Don't worry about it. But Datameer, the mother earth was like the hell, no, she will not be fine. I am going to tear this down. So because her daughter was missing and was taken to the underworld, she was devastated by this. She decided for a solid year, I'm going to give you guys nothing. And then Zeus freaked out because he's like, Holy good, God, she is going to murder us. All. This cannot be the case. So mother earth losing that beauty or that piece that was honored as different in light, just totally lost it and decided, well, you know what? I am just going to self implode until you give me what I want. Sounds a little familiar with what's going on with the earth right now. Huh? So what ended up happening is, um, Datameer finally got in contact with Hades. I don't know, you know, in Greek mythology, how you did that, maybe a bull horn who knows, maybe stomped at the ground six times and spun and circles, who knows. But finally Haiti's caught wind and Zeus was like, look, dude, you're going to have to give her up because she needs her daughter back. Cause she's going to literally tear this place down and Hades in what was supposed to be, or seemingly an act of kindness, handed a Apple to Virgo. And it was supposed to be like a constellation gift of thank you for spending your time with me. I think you're beautiful. I love you. You're going to leave me now. Well, when Virgo took a bite, it actually was a curse that made her sentence to the underworld. So all the drama started all over again. And I want you guys to sort of take note at the Apple and Virgo, the Virgin who took a bite of the Apple and just how intertwined that is in some of the belief systems that are still alive today. Little interesting. How they're connected like that. Huh? Well, what ended up happening? Of course after the big, you know, Datameer was like, whatever, I'll continue to share to tear this place down. Mother earth was like, forget it. You're not going to keep her tons of arguing. Tons of fighting. Finally it came to be that it was okay for Virgo to spend half her time in the underworld and half her time in on the earth plane. And that's what the compromise began. So the compromise of energy between those things and actually, you know, it is strange as it sounds, the Virgo energy. Um, she rocked the underworld when she was down there for six months, she was fiercest how and totally honored. And then she'd come up to the earth and you know, be what she was here. So she was able to be in both places in hell and on earth, but Carrie, who she was in rock, whatever that was in, that brings us to the energy that will be coming up around the full moon, learning to honor what you are in all facets. So if you're sitting there in the mirror saying, Oh dear God, I got to do this again. Look at these wrinkles. Look at this gray hair, dear goodness. I got some cool grays coming in and getting like a Stripe up here, loving the Stripe. I'm like, I'm like, come on, come on. But anyhow, if you're sitting in the mirror going, okay, I gotta get rid of this gray hair. Okay. Um, so it's okay. Like if you want to die over here, don't get me wrong. It's okay if you do things because you're just like, um, like you like putting on lip gloss because your lips look sparkly, but if you're doing it so that other people honor you better, then there's an element of you not honoring the parts of yourself that you believe are ugly. You're trying to hide them your shadow side. You're trying to stop it from coming out, which in turn is a lot to do with what this entire mythology story is about for the full moon energy coming up. It's about being able to honor both sides of you, the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, you know, all of those pieces, the masculine, the feminine that we try to stop, that we try to ignore that we try to behave. Aren't there because they're not acceptable. This is going to be a moment where we've got to practice the self-love of all things. We have to practice the fact that sometimes you have a bad day and sometimes you act like a way that you're like not so happy about that's okay. If part of you is fiery, just remember to love that part. That's fiery honor. The part that's fiery and then focus on the kindness that you can learn. Self-love because you can't get to the healing energy that Aquarius is bringing in of honoring your emotions. If you can't love yourself first, because in order to pull this energy through, you have to become a frequency that is higher than what we are. So you have to learn how to become a frequency of joy and love. If you cannot, then you cannot connect with your divine pieces. And you're going to be straddling the boundary between the old world, which is fine, but the old world of fear and crazy and employing in front of us, and we don't know what we're going to do next. And you know, whatever. And the new world of understanding your power and being able to move past those fearful things. And you can

Speaker 2:

Be that right now,

Speaker 1:

The way the world is you have full control. You have the choice, but in order to get there in a more clear way, you have to learn love from the inside so that it can reflect on the,

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I hope you guys understand that. I hope I get it. I hope I was clear because I just sort of like just this energy comes through and I'm, and I start to put these things together and it just gets super powerful. But um, I hope you guys get that and I'm so glad you have this recorded. Now go back and listen to it and close your eyes and just let it sink into your soul and just throw your ego aside. Just let it come through. Okay.

Speaker 2:

Save the best for less ready drum roll.

Speaker 1:

He's going to show how we are finally in the age of Aquarius with an alignment of, we are pulling up a sprain.

Speaker 2:

Okay? So we

Speaker 1:

Have going on starting this month is a full alignment of seven planets being completely aligned in Aquarius, which is called, uh, cellar or stellium in astrology. Um, so we have the planets. We have seven chakras and we have the seven planets. I think that was an accident. I don't think so, but are going to be aligning in Aquarius. So every one of our chakras centers that are represented also in the cosmos, because we're all one and it's all one thing are going to be aligning with the new energy I'm taking you off Springs there. So you could see me flipping out about this one because this one was like, drop the mic. That's it it's over final day. Got it. So all of your alignment within your center, shock Warfield, you as a being is going to be aligned with a querying, which is the age of a new, which is the age of our emotions, which is the age of awakening, which is the age of accepting our God given rights back to us because we are all gods. So all of that is going to be aligned at one point, starting for this month. So that is why it is crazy, crazy important that all y'all stay aligned. I said, y'all, Oh gosh, no way you did it. Oh, if I could go back and dump that out, I would. I apologize everybody never again. But all of you, you have to understand the power. That's going to be moving through your shock. Rose. You are not human. You are in a body suit. You are a field of light. That is physics. That is quantum physics. That's the understanding of full science. You are a field of light. That's measured in vibration. And that's how you come down into matter. That is what you are. We are getting the heads up, that all of those fields of light within our body are going to be aligned at once with a new beginning, a new understanding, the belief of what we know. So how do we stay open to making sure that energy comes in, that energy is going to be powerful love. However, it is like sticking your finger in a light bulb. You stick it into my phone, no light socket. That's what I was looking for. It's like sticking your finger in a light socket. So those of you out there, this might feel the opposite. It might feel like an anxiety ridden wild ride in drop the word, anxiety. It just such a term. That was meant to stop you from understanding that you're getting a powerful attunement in every time you labeled it as anxiety, you shut that attunement down. So I want to call it enlightenment. Every time you get that shaky feeling enlightenment, every time you feel like that palpitation is coming on, enlightenment, every time you wake up in your just doggy poop mood, enlightenment is occurring because you got to break up the oldest, start the new. So right before the new starts, the oldest going to come up in you and the oldest, probably not. Well, you're not gonna think it's beautiful, but it's totally beautiful because it means you, you, but it's going to come up. So as it comes up, I need you to honor it and you should love it. And you just reminded that it's about enlightenment. I need you to be happy about the days that aren't great because you know that, that means that the good days are coming because the stuff that isn't great is leaving and that's why you're feeling it. I need you to align with us. The please,[inaudible] the reason I so important is because, because I love all you guys and I know what you really are. And I want you to know that too. And with every one of us who understands this, it gives the vibration to each one of us to be able to get stronger and stronger and stronger as this moves through. So read with me this month, guys, it's going to be awesome. It's going to be cool, but it's going to be wild. Keep up with everything. That's in the series. I know that I labeled everything under a Strala yoga to make it seem super like low. You know, just some little girls I'm going to sneak it in. It is way more powerful than that. I am literally telling you how you keep the pathways of the meridians of your bodies. Open with what the energy of the earth is currently aligning with in the universe, because we are made of stars and you are pulling all of those atoms and molecules into order. When you do that, when the earth is doing it at the same time, it's easier, faster, and it helps you move through it quicker. So I am sneaking this through all of you, because sometimes you got to sneak it through in order to make it so you do it. And the first one sees, in fact, I need you to work on you. I'm going to get your work on your path because it's reciprocal. All healing is reciprocal. So I've had all these backdoor approaches. And I just need you guys to understand how amazing and how powerful and how beautiful you guys are. And we have got this because every single one of you that open up your eyes, I feel it in, I am in love with it. So there was my model this month, quick monthly moodra is the peace sign. Watch the moodra video. This is powerful. It's peace within us and on earth, but I snuck it through as the peace sign, make sure your fingers are aligned the way they need to be. The video explains why it needs to be there. We've got this, everybody. We are going to kill it. So I do. I understand that these videos and these classes are private to people who are in certain tiers. I understand that. I honor that. And I'm so grateful to all of you for it. If you feel there is someone outside of our group that needs to take a peak at this stuff so that they can open up to share this with them. Let's get this going guys. We have got, we've got, we've got this, we've got this and we're going to do it. So I'm okay with that for this month's video. Um, there were questions I'm so sorry. There were questions for this month, um, that you guys sent through, but the energy about what's going to go on was so pivotal. I wanted to spend all of our time on the energy that's coming up. So those questions and the people who sent them, I'm going to send you an individual explanation to those questions and then starting next month, we'll pop on and we'll have that Q and a where we can hammer all that stuff face to face, um, between all of us so that we can, um, continue to build our community and continue to have that, you know, to be there for each other. You know, anything that comes up, but okay, sweetie, I love you guys to pieces you rock. I am here for you. Um, and we've got this. We are editing new age, new beginning, and we've been in training. So let's just offer mining or whining is let's put on her or, or adult[inaudible]. No, I think that would mean, no, we don't want to do straight up. I was going to say big girl panties, but I know there's some gentlemen out there, which I love that you guys are rocking synergy too. So I did not want to use that in specific. Um, so w we're just going to knock that entire saying out, and we're going to say your power is coming out no matter what you are, male, female, whatever it's coming out in this month is going to be a huge, huge piece for it. You guys know where to find me, send me messages, send me, um, you know, texts, whatever you all know where to find me. I'm here for you. I love you to pieces and keep an eye on a Patriot on site. So you know about the dates for next one's class, as well as those jump on live streams. And as we move through all this energy, I'm going to be doing a lot more live things, especially with you guys, so that you kind of can keep your bearings as we spread the energy and spread the light. Right? Talk to you guys soon. Let me to pieces enjoy February and happy Valentine's day.