Jillian Greyse - The Spirit that Is YOU - AstroloLIFE

Earth Energy Illumination for August 21st - August 28th

Jillian Greyse
Lots of movement this week! Have your sage ready, clear your space and keep an eye on the 1st and 2nd chakra. Beware, come the full moon the sacral chakra is going to get a work out! Watch YouTube video at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDn83lvdGEnMvwuVZsWltjg?view_as=subscriber
Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to this edition of the Earth Energy Illumination News. My name is Julian grace and I am going to be giving you all the information you need to stay balanced and clear through the 20, first of August, continuing until the 28th of August.

Speaker 2:

It is definitely been incredible to watch some of the changes that have occurred since we have spun out of that alignment that we were talking about on one of the previous podcast episodes with uranus kind of going back into it's retro grade period and having this brief period of time where that alignment with aries was going to come back through. So we've got this six month period. That's going to be a lot about getting yourself in order and making sure that your energy is as clear as possible. It's been incredible to see how that has affected so many of us because within the past week, so many things that we've been struggling with. Each one of us, every person that I am speaking with and a lot of people that I'm connecting with are all discussing the same things and it seems like this period of time where everybody's worst parts are coming to the surface, which is exactly what is designed to be happening right now. So as much as those words just that they don't really mean a lot, especially if you're out there struggling. The best thing I can say to all of you is that pay attention. You're being shown the fear that you have to let go of. You're being shown the anger you have to release. You are really being cultivated and pushed forward to grow as a soul. So don't ignore the things that are coming up and do not or try your best to not surrender to them and try to fight them and think negatively of yourself and you know, mistake what you're dealing with as a sign of something that's wrong with you. It is the exact opposite. You are beautiful and you are growing and this is an opportunity to grab a pen and really write down everything that you've got to work on. So try your best to not get caught up in that self abusive mode. I also released a spirit talk, um, video on my youtube channel, which I will put a link to on my blog, which is the spirit that is you adopt blog. That video speaks directly toward something that has been a very common factor in some of the struggling right now that many of you have been discussing in the August spirit class. We spoke in depth about this energy that's being released and there's certain things that are being released that are personal to you through your own personal releases, but there's also this collective energy of release that's going on right now with the feminine and many people are struggling with more of the negative sides of that release. And in the youtube video on the spirit talk, I discuss how important it is to not get caught up in that victim mode. To not start leading with the fact that there's been all these injustices that have taken place and you know now the female energy is completely done with it and we're no longer going to take it anymore. It is one thing to be very stern and to be very powerful in to lead with love and draw a boundary and create loving boundaries. It's another thing to do those in resentment and anger. Remember what you send out. You get back, so if you send out that energy of the victim mode and that's where you're going to focus your attention on is this period of time where you felt victimized. Then you're just going to gain back more experiences that are going to further amplify you, staying in that victim mode, so be very conscious of what you're sending out and make sure that you are releasing and forgiving and healing and setting the stage for moving forward. Instead of setting the stage for being locked into the same patterns. That being said, take a peek at that video for any of you that feel like you could use a little more instruction on that topic. I go into it in depth and hopefully I can help you to sort of move forward as fast as you can. We have a pretty interesting week set up, but it's not bad, which is great. So I'm super excited to say that this is one of the first times I'm going to say Yay. We're leading into the full moon. We kind of have sandwiched in there some full moon energy that I'll talk about, but for the most part we have the solid energy of the week setting up to be in the background rather comfortable or rather smooth. The only parts that are no throw hiccups into that are going to be where your stumbling when it comes to that feminine energy release. And there's also a little funkiness in the air today. So the energy today in particular is a little bit shaky. So those of you out there who woke up feeling that, we're definitely going through a massive release. Remember, elements are huge in releasing, so if you're in an area that's particularly windy or if you're in an area where it's raining, you know earth water, wind, fire, all of those are elements, so you're going to be releasing a lot of energy from the earth and energy just in general. So today's gonna be a great day to your house even though I hadn't suggested that sooner. Just the feel of today though, there's like this funk where things need to flow out so you don't want stuff to get stuck that's getting released. Otherwise you're going to be uncomfortable for the next week or so while it's funneling out, so move that process along, especially if you have the tools available to you, some sage, some Paula Santo to do so. So we have the 21st 22nd and 23rd where we're going to have the moon in alignment with capricorn. Capricorn is a nice energy. It's really good for organizing, getting things all straightened out, cleaning structure, tying up loose ends. It's really great to sort of get your house in order. So if you have a little bit of extra energy today or did you just sort of in this mode where you just want to get everything almost where it needs to be, that's definitely going to be a strong capricorn energy and that's going to flow through the beginning of the next few days. So the beginning, middle of this week, which is pretty awesome, we definitely need some more of a stable energy coming through, um, capricorns opposite as cancer. So those who are cancer, you may feel a little bit more of the negative sides of capricorn over the next day, a few days, which is some stubbornness, some on willingness to accept help or support, you know, frustration with other people. That tends to be some of the negative vibrations of capricorn. So if you are a cancer and you're feeling that currently, don't read too much into it, it's just the alignment right now effecting the instability of your energy field. The capricorn energy rules the root Chakra. So for now, the 21st continuing through the 25th, we're going to be pretty heavily in the root Chakra because both alignments are both within that center. So your first shocker and specific, anytime you're feeling off, especially if it's that anxious energy that's going to be your grounding. So focus on grounding meditations, focus on doing as much as you can for visualizations to connect yourself with the earth, even going outside with your shoes off for a couple minutes and just sort of pulling that energy down through will be a really great way to ground you over the next several days. So keep an eye out for that root Chakra. That's going to be more of you're feeling anxious, dizzy, little bit off in that regard. That'll be the route going off. Um, if you're feeling anger, frustration, that's going to be that sacral Chakra. So it's going to be that second Chakra that's kind of going into overdrive. So those emotions, the anger, the frustration are going to be a lot more with that collective feminine energy. And again, I talk a lot about that in the spirit. Talk on my youtube channel, so take a peek at that. If you need a little help on how to figure through it, we're going to move into August 24th and 25th, which the moon will be in line with Aquarius. Aquarius is very intuitive energy, which is great. It's also great for new ideas, so it's gonna. Be Great to go from a time when we're setting up and kind of getting the house straightened or getting our own personal house straightened in, organized to then going into the birthing of new ideas which is that aquarian energy, which is really awesome and what a lot of us kind of live for because it helps to sort of keep our creative energy flowing really well. The opposite though of Aquarius is Leo, so be careful Leo's. If you start to struggle 24th and 25th, it's going to be a strong indicator that two things are going on. One is the alignment just in general is not the most prime in the most positive for you, so just take a step back and just let it flow through. The other is going to be the Aquarius also rules the root Chakra again, or the first Chakra, so if you're a Leo, you may be very more prone to that first Chakra just going out of alignment, so keep a close eye on it. Do some techniques to ground your energy in some yoga poses, some breathing, some visualizations, you know, some soft Legeo tones that are centered in that specific area. So any issues refer to your grounding, especially between the 21st and the 25th. Keep an eye out. We are going to be rolling into August 26th, 27th and 28th where we will be in alignment with Pisces. Pisces also is going to be ruling the full moon period, which is on the 26th. Also. This is not so funny because I always laugh. This is not a coincidence even though it seems like it's random. I'm the 20. Sixth is a high spiritual day, so go figure. We have another one of those days where we have an event that's taking place and it's a heightened energy type event such as the full moon is and along with it being a heightened energy type of event. If you are to add together the date in specific, so August, which is the eighth month, and then add together two plus six plus two, plus one plus eight, you'll come to 27 and then if you add two plus seven, you get nine, so that's a high spiritual day. Nine is a very powerful number. It's the vibration of it is of the energy of Christ consciousness. It's the energy of the humanity of focusing on one nest, so it's a really incredible, powerful number and energy to also have on a incredibly powerful day like the full moon. So this day do not miss it. Do some meditation, you know, go for a walk, connect with nature, do some breathing. Anything you can do to sort of kick you into more of a balance type mode and connect you with that spiritual nature is going to be really great to help keep you balanced. Also, Pisces rules, the sacral Chakra, which is that second Chakra, so keep a close eye out for that because if that energy is off, this is one we're going to create. We're going to get that really crazy. I'm like Feminine Awakening Energy when there's a full moon in line with the shock Ra in which most of our feminine parts are housed, which is that lower abdomen section. You're going to run into a lot of imbalances if you are prone to them. So if you're stuck and you have any issues in that second Chakra, it's definitely going to be amplified and it's going to be more of a struggle for you when we're rolling into this full moon period. When Pisces is in the spotlight, the 26th, the 27th and the 28th. So keep a really close eye on that. It's going to be very telling for you on what you need to do to release. Again, and I sound like a broken record, but I specifically talk about chance and different ways to move the energy that may be stuck in that Feminine Center, in that Second Chakra. So refer back to my youtube video for the spirit talk number one, it's specifically going to give you some information on a very powerful chant to help move the energy down there, the chant, his own Nava Shivaya, and there is a suggestions for links to a music on youtube that involves that chant that will be great for you to go internal and just focus on how you're feeling on the inside and release some of that energy out. So we've got to do this, this, this is a great opening for us to clear that second Chakra. So try to not fall victim to the emotion of what you're feeling. Try to understand you're going to have those emotions come up and they're going to be uncovered. So focus on moving them, not trying to figure out why you have them not being frustrated that their their focus on moving them. Utilize that chant, utilize some breathing, really pull it together. Here we are in control and so many of you I know it's been a struggle because it feels like you're out of control right now. Your spiritual energy is sort of doing its own thing. It is doing everything it needs to give you back the power from within. So work with it, not against it. Don't let fear start to take you over. Don't focus on the negative. We can do this. We just got to stick together and we got to keep rising above it and moving through it. So please, please, please, please, um, do you know exactly what to do? You've got all the tools. Don't get too caught up. A couple of things about pisces by nature when Pisces and isn't alignment, it's very emotional. It also can err on the side of negative hormones. Take a hit. So those are all going to be what is par for the course. So expect those things to come through and welcome them. Be like, be excited that you're connected enough to feel the feeling side of our beings is the feminine energy. That's what we have hidden for so long. We haven't been allowed to feel the way that we want to. Yes, we've been allowed to be emotional, but it oftentimes we've been judged for being emotional. So we've really put a buffer on those feelings also within that feeling is one of the strongest pieces of intuition and creation. So when you feel something and you pull it into your mind, that's when you begin manifesting. When you are talking with someone and you feel where they're coming from, that's where you're connecting. So that's such an important part of us to open back up again. So it's just, it's very normal for as it's reopening, that feeling is starting to come through and amplifying and seeming like it's completely crazy. Right now. It is literally blowing open. So go with it and don't fight it, please. Okay. Opposite of Pisces. Real quick is virgo. Keep an eye out for ago might be a little bit dicey, but don't be too worried about it. So do as much as you can to just deep breathe, especially if you're in that vertical alignment and just let things flow by. You're going to be just fine. Okay, so that is this week in a nutshell. If there's anything I can tell all of you, it's to make sure that you're focusing on the positive. Look at the beauty that's going to begin to unfold. You were becoming a beautiful connected soul like you intended to be. Nothing is happening to you right now that you didn't ask for and that you don't need, so let it flow through. Okay. Quick side note, I want to just let everybody know that the September spirit class, I am going to be prerecording in placing out on my youtube channel as well, so it will have all the information that each one of the spirit courses that have have have had monthly and it will have slides and all of that stuff available for all of you to view at any time and you can send me emails with any questions that you have as you watch it. My email address is the spirit that is you@Gmail.com. I am only planning on doing that for September. We'll be back to the live classes in the virtual classes as of October. I just got offered a really awesome opportunity that is out of town the first week of September that I can't pass up, so I unfortunately had to make a little adjustments to make sure that I can do both things and that I can help as many people as I can. So if any of you are interested in viewing that, again, it's on my youtube channel, so take a moment, take a peek at my youtube channel. If you haven't already subscribed and above all, please share all this information with anyone you feel might be able to benefit from it. There are so many people out there struggling and I'm hearing stories every day of different people that are really, really hitting some walls that are really having a hard time, so feel free to spread the word. It's so important right now that we all get this moving and we get this momentum flowing. We're here for each other.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for listening to this edition of the Earth Energy Illumination News. My name is Jillian grace and I'm sending you all lots of love and light for this week.