Jillian Greyse - The Spirit that Is YOU - AstroloLIFE
The AstroloLIFE podcast was created to assist anyone on their path of growth. With over 2 decades of experience in successfully helping souls ignite, I will be with you on a quest of rediscovering the spirit that is you. This podcast will cover important energy events (CMEs, Schumann Resonance, Planetary Alignments, Retrogrades, as well as information designed to enlighten you on your journey. Weekly AstroloNEWS reports will provide suggestions and techniques on how to stay spiritually and emotionally balanced in this constantly changing environment. Thank you for joining me to become the best you. Sharing love and light with all.
Jillian Greyse - The Spirit that Is YOU - AstroloLIFE
Earth Energy Illumination for July 30th - August 5th
Jillian Greyse
As the energy from last week sets in, be careful to not fall into the negative. Control your anger as the week heats up and Uranus soon begins it's retrograde. For details listen to the latest edition of The Spirit That Is You - Earth Energy Illumination Podcast