Center for the Arts Evergreen: Facing the Blank Canvas

(Re)Collection Exhibit - Sara & Lisa's Memory Contribution

Sara Miller Season 1 Episode 7

Memory is a fundamental part of our everyday lives. Autobiographical remembrances tell our individual stories and illustrate our sense of self. Collective memories speak to the shared human experience and shape our enduring impressions of the world. Collateral reminiscences are smaller moments that resurface at unpredictable times, but stick with us for an unexplained reason. (Re)Collection is an exhibit that addresses how we use art to experience time and memory. The power of memory is immeasurable. What does it mean to you? 

The audio component of (Re)Collection starts with a question: “What memory or memories from your past shaped your outlook in the present?” Patrons will have the opportunity to answer this question through a brief recording in a private corner of the CAE gallery. The recorded audio stories will result in a layered memory from the perspective of mountain area residents and arts lovers in 2022. Exploring our patrons’ past—their geographic or family narrative—will allow us to collectively understand how moments of the past transform, beyond (Re)Collection, into relationships and outlooks in the present.

This recording, featuring CAE senior staff members Lisa Nierenberg and Sara Miller, is the first contribution to (Re)Collection's community narrative.