Center for the Arts Evergreen: Facing the Blank Canvas

CAE: Gail Folwell & Will Day on It's Personal

Sara Miller Season 1 Episode 4

It's Personal: April 23-May 22, 2021
A Collaborative Pairing of Works by Gail Folwell and Will Day

Visit the Center for the Arts Evergreen (CAE) between April 23 and May 22 to see CAE’s newest exhibition, It’s Personal. This show is the first-ever gallery collaboration between Boulder-based artists Gail Folwell and Will Day. It’s Personal presents a collection of artistic pairings, juxtaposing similarly inspired works of art: sculpture from Folwell and large-scale abstract paintings from Day. The exhibition stems from the artists’ common interest in creating art that speaks to the interconnectivity of the human experience.

Folwell and Day work in neighboring art studios within the Black Lab Sports collaborative in Boulder. Both have exhibited their work independently across the world. Folwell’s work is in permanent collections at prestigious venues such as the Denver Art Museum, the Pro Football Hall of Fame, and the University of Notre Dame. Day’s commissions hang on three continents, and he worked with Peyton Manning to create a painting titled Omaha, evoking Manning's feeling of “controlled chaos” before taking a snap. Although Folwell and Day are mutually inspired by connections to the sports world, some of their most meaningful work comes expresses a more introspective journey. That is the essence of It’s Personal.

In creating this collaborative exhibition, Folwell and Day selected works that were created independently but speak to the same human emotions: conflict, passion, isolation, connection. Each pairing elevates the artistic experience to a new level—where imagery and emotion merge into a third collaborative point of view. It’s Personal contains 7 artistic groupings with many pieces that have never been exhibited in Colorado.